Philmont Crew 626-C8 (an NCAC contingent crew) - Itinerary 28
Dean Cutoff (Ranger Training)
Rich Cabins - homesteading (with a stop in Ponil for the Cantina root beer!)
Greenwood Canyon (trekking thru the southern section of the Valle Vidal)
Copper Park (climbing Baldy Mountain, and mining in French Henry)
Upper Dean Cow (with a stop for Challenge Events at Head of Dean)
Dean Cow (Rock Climbing)
Harlan (12 Gauge Shotgun shooting, and conservation project -- trail building)
Ute Springs
Clarks Fork (with a stop for a tour at the Hunting Lodge, and Horse rides, Western Lore and a Chuck Wagon Dinner at Clarks Fork)
finishing with a hike in over the Tooth of Time!