Photos from Troop 1946's 2016 Philmont trek. Began with a couple pre-Philmont activities in Colorado. We trekked itinerary 23, backpacking 84 miles (but totaling 160 miles w/ side-hikes, conservation project, water runs, etc...). This was the wettest of Scoutmaster Nielsen's 5 Philmont treks, but we all made it fine!

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Slideshow soundtrack New Mexico Rain recorded by long-time Philmont cowboy Rod Taylor, from the album A Philmont Collection. [seemed the appropriate soundtrack given the amount of rain we contended with...]



Pre-Philmont/ Colorado Springs

Philmont Base Camp


Indian Writings & Metcalf Station

Rich Cabins

Wilson Mesa, Pueblano & Pueblano Ruins

to Copper Park via French Henry & Baldy Town

Baldy Mountain

Head of Dean

Deer Lake Mesa


Tooth Ridge
